The Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA)

How materials promoting an annual luncheon became a powerful message of empowerment.


The Ask

Create a suite of materials for MOCSA’s annual luncheon that ties back to their chosen theme, “My moment, our momentum.”

The Idea

Art director Jen Guimarães and I were struck by the idea that one person’s bravery could cause a domino effect. As soon as one person spoke up about sexual abuse and assault, others were willing to say “me too.” This idea led to luncheon’s rallying cry, “One story can start a movement,” and went on to inspire the visual identity.

The Results

While the luncheon was unfortunately postponed due to COVID-19, we went on to repurpose our work as social media content. Because the message was so powerful, we also created a one-minute social video that was shared during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. We were thrilled to see the video (above) earn 3,300+ views.


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