Live On Nebraska

How the creative team at Bozell took a stagnant brand and revived it with warmth and hope.


The Ask

Rebrand Nebraska Organ Recovery Systems in a way that captures the heart and purpose of the nonprofit.

The Research

As a nonprofit, Live On Nebraska didn’t have the budget for in-depth research. However, the team thoroughly believed that despite limited resources for research, we could still create a thoughtful and intelligent identity. As a creative team, we conducted:

  • 6 Key Stakeholder Interviews

  • ~50 Staff Surveys

  • ~40 Visual Identity Audits of other organ procurement organizations. (OPOs)

The Insight

One evening, after weeks of research, it hit me. The root of the organization was simply humanity. They truly and deeply cared for the people they came in contact with: every organ and tissue donor recipient, every donor family, every doctor, every nurse. If this was only about doing a job, why would they have counselors on staff and support groups available? 

The team agreed. This brand needed to celebrate humanity.

The Results

Our team was asked to define Live On Nebraska’s “why” and offer staff a fresh perspective on why they did this work. We heard from many within the organization that our research and rebrand provided the exact “aha” moment they were looking for.

We also helped streamline communications amongst all internal stakeholders by working closely with both the marketing team and the board of directors. This created a seamless transition when Live On Nebraska was ready to communicate with their external partners.

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See the full website at

See the full website at

This rebrand was created in collaboration with Bruce Hartford (Art Director) and Tim Young (Creative Director).


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